You are getting your home decorated for the holidays and pulling out your favorite recipes for your upcoming gathering of family and friends. The guests arrive and the beverages are poured into their pretty wine glasses. You know what is going to happen next. It happens at almost every party. Someone’s glass falls or gets knocked over and you suddenly have a huge red wine stain and everyone panics.

The big question is do you attempt to clean it yourself and possibly damage your carpet by removing the color of the carpet along with the red wine.

“Because every carpet is different, there is no guarantee that all or any of these methods will work on yours. It’s best to test each solution you’d like to use to remove red wine stain from carpet in an area that won’t show, such as underneath the sofa, before trying it in a more obvious place. If you have very delicate carpeting or you aren’t sure if your rug is color-fast, it’s best to talk to a carpet cleaning professional instead of trying to remove the stain on your own,” reports Love to Know.

First Steps

Blot up the spill

Use a paper towel or clean cloth to blot the stain. Do not rub as it will force the stain deeper into the carpet fiber.

Apply water

Once you have blotted with the cloth, try applying a small amount of cold water which will dilute the remaining wine spill. Blot until the carpet is dry.

Other Methods

If you search on the internet, you will find an unlimited supply of website domains or blogs that will give you many methods to use. Here are just a few methods of how to clean that red wine spill from WikiHow to do anything. Full instructions of how to on are their link.

  1. Using Salt
  2. Using a Vinegar Solution
  3. Using Dish Soap and Hydrogen Peroxide
  4. Using White Wine and Baking Soda

Know when to call a professional. Some extra-bad wine stains (especially those that get a chance to dry before you can reach them) just won’t come out without outside help. Luckily, professional carpet cleaners have tools and techniques to get almost every job done.

Don’t heat the affected carpet until the stain is fully removed. Heat can “set” a stubborn red wine stain, making it even harder to remove in the long run.

Happy Holidays to you and your family!

Auburn Carpet Specialists are the area’s premier carpet cleaning service company, family owned and operated, that has earned a solid reputation for premium quality service and customer satisfaction. With more than 20 years of experience, we can truly call ourselves ‘Auburn Carpet Specialists’. We are located in Auburn, Georgia. Contact us today for a FREE Inspection and Estimate or call at 770-867-7541.