Ahhhhh, it feels like Spring is in the air. The temperature is starting to thaw out. Your windows and doors have been locked tight all winter to keep the cold out. Now is the time to do some spring cleaning. Schedule a weekend or break it up to one daily chore. Pull in family members and assign tasks for each and post it proudly on the refrigerator to check off until it gets done. The kids will love you for that one. Also remember you can call in a professional to get the job quickly and to get the best quality results. It is what they do every day!

Now, let’s get started.


Start from the top of a room down, vacuuming the dust that settles on the floor which should include hard-to-reach places, such as the tops of ceiling fans and window casings. Remember to dust books and shelves. This is where dust lives. Take everything off the shelves, and brush shelves and books with a feather duster. Use the dust-brush or crevice tool on a vacuum to reach into tight spots. Wipe the spines of leather-bound books with a clean, soft cloth.

Walls and Ceilings

Wipe all of the walls and ceilings. Tackle stubborn surface grime, especially prevalent in kitchens, with a solvent-free degreaser. Use a vacuum to remove the dust.


Carpet cleaning is a must especially after being locked in during the winter months. You don’t know what has gotten in them and is growing. Vacuum and Shampoo Rugs: Synthetic carpets and rugs with waterproof backings can be deep-cleaned with a rotary shampoo machine and a hot-water extraction machine. Rugs without backings, including Orientals, require professional cleaning. Hit the easy button and keep your carpet looking “like-new” for years to come by getting a FREE inspection and estimate to clean your carpet professionally.


Check around your home in the kitchen, bathrooms, and foyer areas to see what your tile looks like? Is it dirty and tired looking? Tile and Grout looks amazing when brand new but can quickly turn dull and lifeless without proper care and cleaning.  Whether you have Ceramic, Porcelain, or a natural stone, call in a professional company to use grade cleaning products and equipment to bring shine back to the tile and brighten the grout as if it was new! You’ll need to clean and reseal old and warn looking tile.

Non-Wood Floors

Vinyl and linoleum floors that have lost their shine should be waxed with a polish designed for these surfaces.

Upholstered Furnishings

Some of the most used, but most overlooked cleaning in our homes is upholstery. You live, eat, and sometimes even sleep on them. Your couch, chairs, recliners, and other furnishings need regular maintenance as a part of a healthy home and work place. The materials used in upholstery can also require a much more delicate cleaning approach. An Upholstery Cleaning Company will use the safest products and procedures for each fabric type. They will inspect fabric and fill contents of each item and use only the safest products to clean your upholstery and leave them like new!

To clean upholstered furnishings, start by taking cushions outside and gently beat them by hand to remove dust. If there are stains, check the pieces for care labels. Some require a professional company to clean them. Use a vacuum’s upholstery and crevice tools to clean under seat cushions.


This one is pretty easy but can be time consuming with all the furniture in the house. With a soft cloth and cleaner, clean every surface of each piece of furniture.

Doors, Windows and Hardware

For medium dirty surfaces, use a liquid polish and cloth. For really dirty areas, try a paste or cream. Your local hardware store can steer you in the right direction with products to get the job done.

Window Treatments

Check the labels. Put your draperies and curtains are that machine washable into the wash machine. Dry-clean fabric shades. Wipe down blinds with a damp cloth of warm water mixed with a mild dishwashing liquid.

Window Screens

So you can see the beautiful weather changing outside, wash the window screens by using warm water and a mild dishwashing liquid. Scrub each screen with a brush and rinse thoroughly.


Smoke Detectors

A really important part of spring cleaning is to ensure Fire Safety. You’re your smoke detectors and change out the batteries if necessary. It is a good time to dust them while you up there testing them.


Spring cleaning can be a big job and overwhelming. Don’t go it alone. Call a cleaning company to help you get it done quickly and painlessly.

Auburn Carpet Specialists are the area’s premier carpet cleaning service company, family owned and operated, that has earned a solid reputation for premium quality service and customer satisfaction. With more than 20 years of experience, we can truly call ourselves ‘Auburn Carpet Specialists’. We are located in Auburn, Georgia. Contact us today for a FREE Inspection and Estimate or call at 770-867-7541.