Waiting to Clean up the Spill

Once the spell soaks into the fibers and padding underneath the liquid will dry and cause odors.

Not Testing Cleaning Products Prior to Use

Some products can cause discoloration or just ruin your carpet. Always test new products in a discrete location before using it throughout the area.

Never Hiring Professional Carpet Cleaners

Your carpet takes a beating with children, pets, and just overall usage. Especially if you wear shoes in your home. Hiring a professional carpet cleaner will ensure your carpet has a long life.

Scrubbing Spills out of the Carpet

The best way to remove a stain is to start by scraping up what you can with a spoon and then blot the stain with a towel. After the spill is dry use a stain removal product.

Using Deodorizing Powder to Clean Spills

One common mistake that people make is using deodorizing powders to clean up spills. Use deodorizers after the stain has been removed.