Winter is gone. Spring has sprung. People are enjoying getting outside again. Spring cleaning is for deep cleaning around your home to make it feel fresh again after a long winter inside.

Here are some tips on how to achieve a deep cleaning in your home.

Throughout the House


Raise your blinds or shades and wash your windows with a glass cleaner. Make sure you dust the blinds and shades, and you can even vacuum the drapes to remove all of the dust.


Over time, sinks can trap food and particles and get very smelly. Pour a lemon cleaner down the drain to give it a fresh smell. In the kitchen, put in lemon rind silvers and turn on the garbage disposal.


Go through the house and see if any of your grout needs cleaning or touching up with your tile floors, backsplashes, etc. Call in a professional tile cleaner to provide a thorough cleaning.


After being locked in during the winter months, your carpet absorbs all of the dirt, smells, material from your shoes and animal’s paws that you track through your home. You don’t know what has gotten in them and is growing. Make sure you vacuum and shampoo rugs. Bring in a professional carpet cleaner to do the DEEP clean they need. Schedule a FREE inspection and estimate to clean your carpets professionally.

Drawers and Closets

Pull out those drawers and clean and organize the clutter away. You can even put a vacuum nozzle in to remove the dirt, dust, etc.


Vacuum your furniture cushions. Pull the furniture from the walls and clean all of the dust, dirt, and items that fall behind the couch, etc. To clean upholstered furnishings, you can take the cushions outside and gently beat them by hand to remove dust. If you find any stains, check the pieces for care labels. Some require a professional company to clean them.


If you are feeling adventurous, pull the curtains down and toss them in your dry on the “air-only” cycle. Hang immediately to avoid wrinkles.


After a long winter, this area is a significant dust collector. Pull out the books and decorations and dust away.

Ceiling Fans

Most people don’t reach up that far and clean all year round. Get an extended duster and wipe down the fans, lights, moldings, etc.

Smoke Detectors

Make sure you test your smoke detectors. Put new batteries in so if there is a fire, your sensors are working correctly.



Granite polish does wonders to restore the shine and repel stains.


Time to run the self-cleaning function and remove all the remnants of your cooking spills.


Over time the microwave can get pretty gross. Do a thorough cleaning job in the microwave.


Take everything out and wipe down the interior shelving, bins, doors, etc. Check expiration dates on the products before you put the items back in your fridge.

Deep spring cleaning can be a big job and overwhelming. Don’t go it alone. Call a cleaning company to help you get it done quickly and painlessly.

Auburn Carpet Specialists are the area’s premier carpet cleaning service company, family owned and operated, that has earned a solid reputation for premium quality service and customer satisfaction. With more than 20 years of experience, we can truly call ourselves ‘Auburn Carpet Specialists’. We are located in Auburn, Georgia. Contact us today for a FREE Inspection and Estimate or call at 770-867-7541.